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Combination Switch - Indicators/Head Lamp/Wipers Aftermarket suits Ford Econovan & Mazda E-Series Van
[compatible-vehicles]Ford Econovan/Maxivan/Spectron/Cab
Mazda E Series
E SERIESVAN 1/1984-7/1999
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Starter Motor Mitsubishi Type Aftermarket suits Ford, Kia or Mazda 1981 to 1999
[compatible-vehicles]Ford Capri SA/SBSA / SB 7/89 - 3/92 10/1989-11/1994 SCSC 4/1992-7/1993 Ford Econovan/Maxivan/Spectron/Cab ECONOVAN/MAXIVAN/SPECTRON/CABECONOVAN/MAXIVAN/SPECTRON/CAB CHASIS 5/1984-8/1999 JHECONOVAN JH 9/1999-12/2005 Ford Festiva WB/WD/WF4/1994-9/2001 Ford Laser KAKA 3/5Dr 2/1981-12/1982 KBKB 3/5Dr 12/1982-11/1985...
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Alternator Hitachi Type Aftermarket suits Ford, Kia, Mazda 1985-1999
[compatible-vehicles]Ford Courier PCUte 6/1985-4/1996 Ford Econovan/Maxivan/Spectron/Cab ECONOVAN/MAXIVAN/SPECTRON/CABECONOVAN/MAXIVAN/SPECTRON/CAB CHASIS 5/1984-8/1999 Kia Sportage JAWagon 3/1998-5/2003 Mazda B Series B SERIESBRAVO UTE B1800 / B2000 / B2200 10/1977-5/1985 UFUF BRAVO UTE B2000 /...
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